Tuesday, December 22, 2009

the birth of the Savior

This poem was sent out by Pastor Gene Breed of Grace Baptist Church in Jonesboro, GA. The author of the poem, Bro. Gary Baldy, is an original member of the church.

What About the Birth Of

“A Savior Which is Christ the Lord?”

Let harlot religion paganize it.

Let the world system merchandize it.

Let ransomed souls recognize it.

Artistic ones will glamorize it

Emotional ones will sentimentalize it.

His ministers will emphasize it.

While intellectuals analyze it,

And scoffers trivialize it.

Repentant sinners utilize it.

Historians and calendar makers,

Categorize it and seasonalize it,

True worshippers

Internalize it and eternalize it.

Indifferent hearts generalize it.

His enemies criticize it and eulogize it.

God’s sons and God’s daughters

Realize it and personalize it.

Gary Daniel Baldy


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