Tuesday, May 31, 2011

from a pastor's heart to one of his flock

Samuel Rutherford (Scotland) was removed from his pastorate in July 1636 for not conforming to the state religion. He was banished to Aberdeen, he was their 9 years.  These are excerpts from a letter to one of the men in his congregation, - a John Henderson

Loving friend, - Continue in the love of Christ, and the the doctrine which I taught you faithfully and painfully, according to my measure. I am free of your blood. Fear the dreadful name of God. Keep in mind the examinations which I taught you, and love the truth of God..........Let salvation be your care, night and day, and set aside hours and times of the day for prayer........This dirt and god of clay (I mean the vain world) is not worth the seeking......What I write to you, I write to your wife. Commend me heartily to her. The grace of God be with you.
Your loving Friend and Pastor,
S.R.                      Aberdeen, March 14, 1637

Good 'advice' for us all!

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